Chimney inspections are important for the safety and efficiency of your system. However, regular chimney inspection and real estate chimney inspections are quite different. A real estate chimney inspection is more thorough than a standard level one inspection, which is only an assessment of the chimney. However, a level one inspection is more thorough than a home inspection during the real estate transaction. Homeowners should never settle for a home inspection when there is an opportunity to schedule a chimney real estate inspection. Only a chimney expert can properly assess your chimney system, protecting your new investment and keeping your family safe.

Home Inspection V. Chimney Inspection
Your realtor or mortgage lender may recommend a home inspector to assess your new home before you make the final purchase. This inspection must take place during a specified time, according to your contract. You should also make sure to take this time and schedule a chimney inspection with a certified chimney professional. While the home inspector will make sure the chimney is stable visually. The chimney inspector will check out your entire chimney to ensure it’s safe and sound.
Level Two Chimney Inspection
There are three levels of CSIA chimney inspections. A level one inspection is similar to the once-over a home inspector will complete. However, a level two inspection is required when a property is sold or transferred, with a more thorough checkup. A level two inspection, or real estate inspection includes an assessment of all accessible portions of the chimney interior and exterior. In addition, there is also assessment of the attic/crawlspace/basement.
A level two also includes an inspection of the connections, working parts, and an interior video scan of the flue. After a level two inspection, a homeowner will be aware of any hazards to prevent safe use of the fireplace and chimney. Damage big or small will be reported to the prospective buyer or new homeowner. A repair plan are put in place following a level two inspection.
Your Home and Chimney
When you’re making a purchase as large as a home, it’s important to have all the information possible before moving forward. At Black Moose Chimney and Stove, we have the certification to ensure you have all the information about the state of your chimney and fireplace. When you get a report on your chimney for your homeowners’ insurance provider, real estate attorney, or prospective buyers, they’ll look for a CSIA signature. The industry trusts us, and you should too!
Black Moose Chimney and Stove inspect chimneys, and we have been doing it for over a decade now. If you reside in Hillsborough, Cheshire, Merrimack, or Sullivan County, or are house shopping in the area, call us at 603-525-7905 or request an appointment online.