Protect Your Chimney with Expert Waterproofing Services
Protect your chimney and your hard-earned money by investing in professional ChimneySaver waterproofing services!
Prevent Water Damage with ChimneySaver Waterproofing
Is water destroying the masonry of your chimney? Are new cracks and receding mortar joints appearing every day? Whether you lie awake in bed at night worrying about chimney leaks or not, taking preventive action against leaks is one of the best ways to protect your home, your chimney, and your wallet. Those of us at Black Moose Chimney & Stove spend a good portion of our time repairing leaky chimneys, and we know just how devastating water can be to the masonry and metal components of the system. That’s why we do everything we can to prevent water damage – and that’s why we love ChimneySaver.
Frequently Asked Questions about ChimneySaver

Request Your Waterproofing Service Today!
Our National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG)-certified technicians have extensive industry experience and can make sure your chimney and masonry are protected and ready to take on another year of moisture.